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Master of Science UZH ETH in Quantitative Finance

Willi Brammertz

Willi Brammertz, Dr.


  • Dr. oec. publ., University of Zurich
  • Lic. oec. publ., University of Zurich

Research Interest

  • 30 years of Risk Consulting experience in: Banking, Financial Services, Asset Management, Insurance
  • Founder and inventor of IRIS with the product RiskPro, a world-wide acknowledged Financial Simulation and Analytic solution
  • Achieved to get more than 200 RiskPro customers world-wide in the Financial sector
  • Excellent experience and know-how in the field of Market Risk, Credit Risk and Operational Risk
  • Executed 100+ successful Risk Software implementation projects
  • Passionate entrepreneur for most of the career
  • Successful sold process of IRIS to FRS Global and later to Wolters Kluwer
  • Founder and Owner of Ariadne Software and Ariadne Business Analytics offering a new-generation risk simulation and analytic tool
  • Leading brain behind ACTUS the initiative to standardize the financial contract worldwide

Professional Activities

2013 - present              Owner / Managing Director at Ariadne Business Analytics AG

2009 - present              Owner / Managing Director at Brammertz Consulting

2008 - 2010                  Senior Advisor at FRS Global

1991 - 2008                  Owner / CTO at IRIS integrated risk management AG



Unified Financial Analysis, the Missing Links of Financeby Willi Brammertz, Ioannis Akkizidis, Wolfgang Breymann, Rami Entin, Marco Rüstmann, published by John Wiley & Sons London/New York, March 2009.
The material of this book is part of the course Risk Lab provided by the University of Zürich, since the academic year 2009 


Regulatory Revolution: The Great Data Challenge, by Willi Brammertz and Allan I. Mendelowitz, published by Risk Professional GARP, London, August 2010.

Risk and Regulation, by Willi Brammertz, by Willi Brammertz, published by Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance, Vol. 18 No. 1, 2010.

Risk Taxonomy: A closer look at Integration, by Willi Brammertz and Rami Entin, published by Risk Professional GARP, London, December 2009.

Tear Down the Silos, by Willi Brammertz, published by Waters, London, July 2009.


V-Nr Course Start / End Date Lecturers Room
from 23.02.2024
to 14.06.2024
Fr 08:00-12:00 Ioannis Akkizidis Willi Brammertz siehe Details