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Master of Science UZH ETH in Quantitative Finance

Ioannis Akkizidis

Ioannis Akkizidis, Dr.


  • Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Applied Mathematics, University of Wales
  • Master of Science (MSc) in Control Technology, University of Portsmouth
  • Bachelor Degree (BEng) in Electronic & Computer Engineering, University of Athens 

Research Interest

Designing and implementing advanced solutions in risk management and profitability analysis for the financial industry, Market Place Lending, New Financial Regulations, Operation Risk, Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain technology.

Professional Activities


Bücher (6)

  1. Basel IV Modelling: Implementation, Impact and Implications, by Ioannis Akkizidis, Kalyvas Lampros, to be published by Palgrave Macmillan, April 2018
    Accompanied with the freeware software for quantitative analysis for the impact and implications of new regulations in banking financial institutions
  2. Marketplace Lending, Financial Analysis, and the Future of Credit: Integration, Profitability, and Risk Management, by Ioannis Akkizidis, Manuel Stagars, published by Wiley, January 2016
  3. Accompanied with the freeware risk management software for Marketplace Lending platforms
  4. Unified Financial Analysis, the Missing Links of Finance, by Willi Brammertz, Ioannis Akkizidis, Wolfgang Breymann, Rami Entin, Marco Rüstmann, published by John Wiley & Sons London/New York, March 2009.
    The material of this book is part of the course Risk Lab provided by the University of Zürich, since the academic year 2009
  5. Integrating Market, Credit and Operational Risk: A Complete Guide for Bankers & Risk Professionals, by Kalyvas Lampros, Ioannis Akkizidis, Zourka Ioanna, and Bouchereau Vivianne, published by Risk Books, London, 2007.
    This book is a best seller (2007, 2008). Two chapters of this book have become reference material in GARP's FRM Study Guide for risk professionals
  6. Financial Risk Management for Islamic Banking and Finance, by Ioannis Akkizidis and Sunil Kumar Khandelwal, published by Palgrave Macmillan, London, 2008
  7. This book explains in analysis point of view that financial institutions are having additional risk exposure by trading and having in their portfolios Islamic financial instruments.
  8. Listed in GARP's (Global Association of Risk Professionals) resources of FRM core readings for Islamic Finance Research Titles.
  9. Guide to Optimal Operational Risk & Basel-II, by Ioannis Akkizidis and Bouchereau Vivianne, published by Taylor & Francis / AUERBACH, New York, 2006.
    This book is accompanied with the freeware risk management software for identifying, measuring and managing Operational Risk.

Kapitel in Büchern (3):

  1. The Solvency II Handbook, Developing Enterprise Risk Management Frameworks in Insurance and Reinsurance Companies, Edited by Marcelo Cruz, published by Risk Books, London, 2010
    Writing the chapter on "Solvency II and Liquidity Risk in Insurance Companies", by Ioannis Akkizidis and Kris Luyten
    (Reference paper in the IMF Working Paper titled Possible Unintended Consequences of Basel III and Solvency II)
  2. Maximising Business Opportunities in Asia, Africa and the Middle East: A Treasurer's Guide, published in by Standard Chartered Insights 2013

Writing the chapters by Ioannis Akkizidis, on:

  1.  "An Integrated Approach to Systemic Risk Analysis", 2012
  2. "Transparent Approaches in Credit Ratings and Spreads Analysis", 2013
  3. "Analysis of Liquidity Risk Management", Chapter for "The Professional Risk Management Handbook Series", published by PRMIA, 2010

Artikel in den Finanzmagazinen (6)

  1. Aktuelle Herausforderungen bei der Wertanpassung von Verbindlichkeiten und Krediten, July 2013 by Kredit & Rating
  2. Analyse von Ratings und Kreditspreads, April 2013 by Risiko Manager
  3. Analysing the Elements of Credit Rating and Spreads, July 2013, by CIS Bankers
  4. Six New Elements in Counterparty Credit Risk Analysis ,Sept 2012, by GTNews
  5. Optimising Credit Portfolios Using Systemic Risk Analysis, Feb 2012, by GTNews
  6. Hedge optimization with IAS 39, September 2006 by Banque & Finance


V-Nr Course Start / End Date Lecturers Room
from 23.02.2024
to 14.06.2024
Fr 08:00-12:00 Ioannis Akkizidis Willi Brammertz siehe Details