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Master of Science UZH ETH in Quantitative Finance

Christina Boerner

Christina Boerner, Dr

Short Biography

Dr. Christina Börner is a Swiss-qualified lawyer and the Head of Legal and Compliance of Aon Switzerland – part of a global professional services firm. She is a lecturer at the University of Zürich and at ETH. Some of her previous roles include Legal Counsel for Zurich Insurance Group, UBS and PricewaterhouseCoopers. She was a visiting scholar at Boalt Hall (Berkeley Law) U.C. Berkeley and holds a PhD from the University of Zürich. Her research interests are in the fields of Law and Technology; Law and Corporate Social Responsibility; Corporate Governance; Codification of Law; and Comparative Legal studies.


V-Nr Course Start / End Date Lecturers Room
from 26.02.2024
to 03.06.2024
Mo 12:15-13:45, ab 26.2. Christina Börner Ivo Hoppler siehe Details